Monday, April 30, 2012

Official Release

“Forgotten Soldiers: What Happened to Jacob Walden”
Hello Everyone, 

While my book has been available a few days now ahead of schedule, May 1st is the official release date and is now officially available in Print, Kindle and Nook.
Thanks to all of you who've already taken notice, ordered, liked, shared and passed on the word about the book. The right side bar has the link to my web site where paperback copies can be ordered direct from me.  For each paperback purchase from me on the web site I am also donating $2 to the Green Beret Foundation
Don't Have a Kindle or Nook?
For e-book lovers, you can order the Kindle Edition or Barnes & Noble Nook Edition, and if you don't own a Kindle or Nook, that's ok, you don't need to own one to view e-books on your PC. You can download Kindle for PC or Nook for PC for Free and read e-book purchased from Kindle or Nook on you computer.  

What It's About
Forgotten Soldiers is a fictional account of an Air force Captain who was shot down in Vietnam in 1970 and has never returned home.  I’ve called the story a cross between a Cold War Mystery and Historical War Fiction that spans almost forty years, and as one endorsement has already stated, “…to tell any more would be a spoiler.” 

While the book is fiction and filled with what I hope provides the reader with mystery, suspense, conspiracy and action, it is also a story that I want to use to create awareness of the Forgotten Cold War Era Veterans. It is my intention to help create awareness, educate and keep the POW/MIA memory and pledge “You Are Not Forgotten” alive.   

I cannot express enough my appreciation to the large group of family, friends and professional connections who’ve provided a life full of influences and memories.  In addition to my family, Army, business, educational, Military Writers Society of American (MWSA) and the St. Louis Publishers Association (SLPA), I also want to recognize my younger New York City days at St. Stephens of Hungary Elementary and Power Memorial High School, which I mention on the bio page of my web site.
Please check out the Book Trailer - if you like it, LIKE IT and share it. Jeff Senour and CTS were kind enough to give me permission to use their song "You Won't Be Forgotten" for the trailer music and are also involved with the "Snowball Express Tribute" program for the children of fallen military. (Don't forget to turn off the music on the top right sidebar before watching the video)

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Now Available – Forgotten Soldiers

“Forgotten Soldiers: What Happened to Jacob Walden”

Hello everyone, I’m proud to announce that my book is now available.  It’s been a long road to get the book published but as they say, patience is a virtue, and it has been worth the wait.

Forgotten Soldiers is a fictional account of an Air force Captain who was shot down in Vietnam in 1970 and has never returned home.  I’ve called the story a cross between a Cold War Mystery and Historical War Fiction that spans almost forty years, and as one endorsement has already stated, “…to tell any more would be a spoiler.” 

While the book is fiction and filled with what I hope provides the reader with mystery, suspense, conspiracy and action, it is also a story that I want to use to create awareness of the Forgotten Cold War Era Veterans, including the ones who never returned home. It is my intention to help create awareness, educate and keep the POW/MIA memory and pledge “You Are Not Forgotten” alive.   

I would like to also take this opportunity to express my appreciation to a large group of friends and professional connections who’ve provided a great deal of guidance and education during my trek towards publishing, many of whom are members of the Military Writers Society of American (MWSA) and the St. Louis Publishers Association (SLPA).

The book is now available direct from me through my links on this blog on the right side bar and also through my website, which I just finished creating and getting online today…any comments, thoughts or if you notice any typos or misttakes, please let me know.  Paperback and Kindle is also available at Amazon and Nook version from Barns and Noble.  

I'm also testing the idea of a Book Trailer, so if you like it, LIKE IT when you're on YouTube. Jeff Senour and CTS were kind enough to give me permission to use their song "You Won't Be Forgotten" for the trailer music and are also involved with the "Snowball Express Tribute" program for the children of fallen military. (Don't forget to turn off the music on the top right sidebar before watching the video)


Saturday, April 21, 2012

Book Cover Final Version

Hello Everyone,
The anticipated first of May release of "Forgotten Soldiers: What Happened to Jacob Walden" looks like its on schedule.  The final version of the Book Cover has been completed as well as the interior, and all submitted for print and e-book options. 

Orders for paperback print copies can now be made for May delivery and the Kindle and Nook e-book formats should be available by the beginning of May.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Book Review

5 Stars for Black Eagle Force: Sacred Mountain

When you pick up the second book in the Black Eagle Force Series, Sacred Mountain, be prepared to not take a break. From the get go and within the first few pages Authors Buck Stienke and Ken Farmer takes the reader on a journey filled with explosions, action and adventure. Filled with an ensemble of fascinating characters, technology and an array of aircraft and weaponry, the almost 500 pages of Sacred Mountain embodies what those of us who served in the Special Ops Community endearingly called "High Speed Low Drag" and takes the term to a new level of expectation.

Sacred Mountain is a powerful and magnificent blending of arms dealers, terrorist, drug cartels and a combination of high speed low drag old fashioned patriotic blood and guts kick ass good guys...the Men, Women and War Dog of The Black Eagle Force. This is a book you'll definitely want for your collection as well as the rest of the series.

Available at Black Eagle

Available at Amazon

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Facebook Timeline Cover

Create You Own & Self-Promotion

I was recently inspired by a friend’s new cover image he did for his Facebook page.  Bob Baker of the St. Louis Publishers Association (SLPA) created a cover image that promotes himself while not violating any of the Facebook rules.

Following Bob’s lead I sat down and after about an hour had created a collage type image that reflected a timeline of sorts of my life, and of course part of my life happens to be a book I had written and so an image of the book cover was in the final product.  I was a little surprised by the large numbers of responses I received after posting the new cover image on my Facebook Timeline and can tell you it can get attention.

How do you make your Timeline Cover Image?
I used PowerPoint to create the image.  I found the dimension for the page on Google. First thing is to create a new file and then before anything else set up the page size. When you go into page setup, set the width to 8.85 inches and the height to 3.28 inches. You will need to keep a 1 inch high and 1.7 inch wide space on the bottom left of the worksheet so that when you’re finished the profile picture will not overlap anything you put on your image collage.  I made a blank square where the profile picture overlaps and then took it out later.

There are probably hundreds of variations of a collage you  can make, but you will need to know a little about PowerPoint, so if you already know PowerPoint or some other software, that’s great, but if you don’t, you can learn it,  just might take a little while but you can figure it out and there are plenty of people that can probably assist you.
When you’re done, save the worksheet as a JPEG file, then you can upload it to Facebook and there you have it, the image should fit perfectly and visitors to your page can see a snapshot or timeline of you, your interest, or whatever theme you chose to make.

The collage type of image for your Facebook Timeline Cover is a great way to let friends and visitors know something about you, and if one of the something’s about you is your occupation or hobby such as writing, that’s great too.

If not already subscribed to this blog, on the right side bar there is a Subscribe by E-Mail option. 

Forgotten Soldiers –  What Happened to Jacob Walden
The Epic Cold War saga about Jacob Walden, a United States Air Force Captain shot down over Vietnam in 1970 and the ensuing untold story of why he never returned home. Forty years later Journalist Ted Pratt investigates what may be the sudden reappearance of Jacob Walden.  Ted Pratt follows the trail to find Jacob and encounters Charlie Smith, a secretive and seasoned Operative who may have answers to the question about “What Happened to Jacob Walden,” and why Jake never returned home.