You'll love the new series by Martin Junior @IamIanLennon “The Transtirion:
Division One.” The Wizard will be out in print early 2017.
In the meantime chapter installments are
available on Amazon Kindle. Please share with your friends and social media connections.
The world of Sahar is harsh, but its ancient magic and gods are far worse. A place where magic has become a drug and gods have become religious myth. Set against the backdrop of the first galaxy ever created SPECKTRA, our tale takes place on the eve of the-second-age-of-time and follows two naïve youths known as seekers. The unnamed hero and his half-brother White-Paw run out of the herb known as the green leaf. In a state of paranoid frenzy, they go to Angela’s shop of magic to try and make a deal. What transpires next is a grand adventure into the new and unknown on a soil that is nothing what it appears to be. In the end it all leads to The Transtirion, the twelve planets of SPECKTRA, and finally the Wizard himself.

Wizard: An Essence at Fleetwood's Smokey ERB - Chapter 3
Wizard: The Slayer: Where is Spektra? – Chapter 5
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