Truth Behind The Novel
past Tuesday night I had the honor to participate in a Fact vs Fiction panel at
the Central St. Louis Public
Library. Evenings like this one provide both the Author Panels and those in
attendance a tremendous opportunity to listen to personal experiences and learn
from them. The Panel discussion proved
to be very interesting and we learned valuable insights about applying fact
gained from personal experiences and/or knowledge learned over time to
fictional novels. Each of the panelist shared various tid-bits related to their backgrounds and applying it to their respective works, such as Eric Leuthardt who shared fascinating information on neuroprosthetics and neuro research, and Chris DiGiuseppi who discussed the impact on Law Enforcement Officers when they witness tradagey and how to cope. Our moderator Kevin Killeen
from KMOX did a great job surveying the Panel and interacting with the
audience. The host for this event was the
Central St. Louis Library and was
organized by Stacey Lewis, Senior Subject Specialist for the Saint Louis Public
Library. We had a great time time and what I believe to have been a successful
event – Thank you Stacey and the St. Louis Public Library.

Our moderator Kevin Killeen joined the KMOX News Team in July 1995 and has worked since as a general assignment reporter, covering everything from crime, politics, fires, business, medical stories, and features. Since 2003, Kevin has had a humorous radio column called “A Whole ‘nother Story” that airs during morning drive Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Typical topics include “The Job Interview I Forgot I had a Poopy Diaper in my Coat Pocket,” “Life and Death of a City Pigeon,” and “What Desperate Men Buy at Walgreens on Valentine’s Afternoon.” Kevin has also written and directed over a dozen plays that served as the centerpieces for the KMOX Holiday Radio Show.

Sharon Woods Hopkins is a branch manager for a mortgage
office of a Missouri bank and writes a mystery series featuring mortgage banker
Rhetta McCarter and her '79 Camaro. In “KILLERWATT” Banker
Rhetta McCarter's ongoing Battles usually involve mortgage loans, federal
lending regulations, threats of bulges on her butt, and her closet-drinking
husband. But after one of her mortgage clients dies in a mysterious car
accident, she stumbles upon evidence of a terrorist plot to wipe out the entire
Midwest power grid.

writes crime novels out of his home in Marble Hill, MO, about 25 miles west of Cape Girardeau. Last year, in “Courting Murder,” Hopkins introduced readers to Rosswell Carew of Marble Hill, a judge who dabbles in detective work. Now, Carew gets the starring role in “River Mourn” and opens in Ste. Genevieve, where Carew is looking for his young and attractive fiancĂ©. She’s pregnant — and is apparently a kidnapping victim.
Dr.Raymond Scott Edge is the author of several textbooks on health-care ethics and
law (The Ethics of Health Care: A Guide for Clinical Practice). Since his
retirement from university teaching and administration he has pursued his
passion for regional history and culture. Flight of the Piasa and Witches of
Cahokia re the first two novels of a fiction series based on actual Mississippi
River archaeological sites and artifacts.
ChrisDiGiuseppi has over nineteen years in Law Enforcement at various levels up to
and including Assistant Chief of Police. He is a graduate of the FBI National
Academy and Northwestern University School of Police Staff Command. Chris has weaved personal and emotional
experiences into “The Light Brighter” where COPS meets The Ghost Whisperer in a
novel in which Sixteen people will die on Police Officer Alan Crane's watch.
But while tragic and untimely death is no stranger to the jaded ex-Marine, his
newfound supernatural ability to lead these people to their spiritual fates
sends him on a sensational and frightening saga that will ultimately answer:
Why these sixteen? What do they have in common? And why has Alan been chosen to
bring them to the light?