The below is a re-posting of a interesting MyLife Blog post article by on the best cities to be a writer. At the bottom of the post there is a chart of all 100 cities evaluated.
When you see people walk by, do you create a narrative in your head of what they might be talking about? Or invent the life story of the hamburger you’re eating? Then you might be a writer.
But it’s difficult to thrive as such in just any city – your surroundings have be inspiring, and you need to be able to find work until you pen the next great American novel. To help authors determine what city best makes a great writer, we did an analysis using criteria we thought would help find the best of the best.
Here’s How We Ranked Them
We started with a list of the 100 most populous cities in the U.S. and ranked them from one to 100 in each of the following categories:- Cost of Living – We’re not all Stephen King; most writers don’t have a lot of disposable income so it’s good to know which cities are affordable. We sourced Area Vibes for this information.
- Writer Job Openings – In order to secure some of that disposable income, a writer needs a job. This only included jobs as a writer, not jobs that listed “writing skills” in the requirements. These positions were found on the job search engine, Indeed.
- Percentage of Population Working in the Arts - Writing is certainly an art, and the more people in a city with the same ambitions as you can be a great source of inspiration. There’s also a better than normal chance their inspiring work will be featured around the city. And the more of these folks there are to meet, the easier it will be to collaborate and grow as a writer. Figures for this were from the U.S. Census.
- Number of Bookstores/Coffee Shops Per Capita – Obviously, writers love reading, and hate Kindles and iPads. Nothing beats holding an actual book in your hands. And there’s just something about the mix of caffeine and people watching that gets the creative juices flowing. This set of data was found on Yelp.
1. St. Louis, MO
Photo from Flickr User Nathan Lucy.
2. Cincinnati, OH
Photo from
3. Pittsburgh, PA
Photo via
4. Atlanta, GA
Photo by Dustin Chambers
5. Orlando, FL
Photo by Joe Burbank
6. Minneapolis, MN
Photo from
7. Buffalo, NY
Photo by Charles Lewis
8. Denver, CO
Photo via
9. Seattle, WA
Photo via
10. San Francisco, CA
Photo from
Where’s New York City and Los Angeles?
Although there are several cities for writers to thrive, many might wonder why well-regarded cities like New York or Los Angeles didn’t rank better. If you want to be a screenwriter or playwright, this ranking may not be for you, as there are probably more jobs in screenwriting and playwriting in both of those cities.But if your focus is more general and you just want to write, this analysis will make more sense, which knocked down those cities for extremely high cost of living and average scores in the other categories.